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Speak To Us Directly About Your Pest & Wildlife Concerns

Bat Control


Our Experienced Licensed Technicians will Assess and create a Plan for your individual Bat Control Needs.


Bats are a nuisance pest that not only create health hazards but can affect the safety and integrity of the spaces they invade.

Whitewater Pest Control implements effective strategies to both remove and prevent bats.

Life Cycle

Big brown bat mating season is in the fall. After the breeding season, pregnant females separate into maternity colonies around April. twins are commonly born sometime between May and July. Females give birth to only one pup each year. At birth, pups are blind, helpless, and only 3 g, though they grow quickly, gaining up to 0.5 g (0.018 oz) per day. The pup nurses from its mother for approximately one month. Mothers leave their pups behind at the roost while they forage at night. Pups fledge, or begin flying, at three to five weeks old.


Inspection & Assessment


Information is collected through a thorough inspection of both the interior and exterior of your space, noting both possible and active points of entry.


Removal & Prevention


A startegic plan is created by an experienced licensed technician to seal and proof any of the entries and remove existing Bats.


Restoration & Follow Up


Service dates will be scheduled for follow up and restoration and sanitation .


Prevention through proper exclusion (sealing and proofing) and exterior population control is the most effective solution to Batcontrol. Our technicians are experienced at finding both possible and current points of entry and sealing them to prevent future entry. 

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