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Speak To Us Directly About Your Pest & Wildlife Concerns

Skunk Control


Our Experienced Licensed Technicians will Assess and create a Plan for your individual Skunk Control Needs.


Skunks are a nuisance pest that not only create health hazards but can affect the safety and integrity of the spaces they invade.

Whitewater Pest Control implements effective strategies to both remove and prevent skunks.

Life Cycle

The skunk normally breeds once a year,  Mid-February to mid-April,. Prior to copulating, Once the mating period has finished, the impregnated females confine themselves to their dens.

The gestation period lasts around 59–77 days, with kits being born at about mid-May to early June. Litters generally consist of 2–12 kits, Kits are born blind and sparsely furred, weighing 25–40 grams. The eyes open after around three weeks, and are weaned after 42–56 days.[At this point, the kits may accompany their mother outside the den,


Inspection & Assessment


Information is collected through a thorough inspection of both the interior and exterior of your space, noting both possible and active points of entry.


Removal & Prevention


A startegic plan is created by an experienced licensed technician to seal and proof any of the entries and remove existing Squirrels.


Restoration & Follow Up


Service dates will be scheduled for follow up and restoration and sanitation .


Prevention through proper exclusion (sealing and proofing) and exterior population control is the most effective solution to squirrel control. Our technicians are experienced at finding both possible and current points of entry and sealing them to prevent future entry. We will offer advise and information on waste removal, recycling, debris clearance and making your home or business as uncomfortable and unwelcoming as possible for Skunks.

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